
How to commission the communication of Shinemaster or SME (Smart Energy Manager)

1. What’s Shinemaster and SME?


There are 2 functions for Shinemaster:
Communcation and Exporting current limitation

Led light Meaning:

a. “S” means that when exporting current limitation function enables, smart meter is not uploading data

b. “L” means that when switching to 4G mode, it will be on

c. “RF” , It is not useful, originally, it is preserved for future.

d. “PAIR”, it is not useful, originally, it is preserved for future.

SME ( Smart Energy Manager )

Shinemaster , Smart meter, power device is included in SEM.

2. How to access internal webpage of Shinemaster

Method 1:
Operation Video ( it is edited by Jianye Sun, Thanks for his efforts! )

Please Connect Internet cable into router directly, then type ip of Shinemaster on browser. You can find ip of Shinemaster in ip list of router.

Method 2:
Operation Video ( it is edited by Jianye Sun, Thanks for his efforts! )
a. Please Connect internet cable into Shinemaster LAN port Directly
b. set IP address of your computer that should be same range with Shinemaster. Default ip of Shinemaster is

Regard to how to set static ip on windows, please follow the guide

IP address ( ); Subnet mask: ; Default Gateway:
c.type on browser

3. How to commission the communication between inverters and Shinemaster or SEM

1) Commissioning Tool List
A. USB-485 OR USB–232-485
USB-485 ; USB-485 driving program needs to be installed

USB-232-485 Tool ( it contains 2 part, USB-232 cable and 232-485 Tool. You don’t need to install USB-485 program , USB-232 driving program will be installed by OS automatically once you plug it into computer )


USB-WIFI is used to read real time data and set parameters on inverter locally. When using it, you need to download Shinetool app into your mobilephone.

c. Shinetool introduction and Download
D. COM Tool Download ( it is not necessary to use it, Only when you can’t always commission the communication successfully, it can help you detect communication issue )
2) Commissioning method:
Method1: Set inverter address via USB-WIFI and Shinetool
a. Set inverter address via USB-WIFI and Shinetool
b. connect 485 cable between inverters ( You can use internet cable or professional 485 wires that have shielding layer )
c. Connect 485 cable from last inverter to Shinemaster Channel 1 port
D. Set Inverter addresses on each inverter
1)Plug USB-WIFI into inverter you want to set address
2) Search hotpot name( It is USB-WIFI SN ) on mobilephone, then connect it.
3) Open Shinetool, select corresponding account based on your account type.

End User is for end user. O&M User is for installer or distributor account.

4) Set Com address ( Inverter address )
5) Add inverter addresses into Shinemaster
Method2: Set inverter address via Shinebus
1) Download Shinebus
2) Connect USB-485 or USB-232-485 tool into inverter
3) Open Shinebus Tool and Set Com address( Inverter address )

4. Troubleshooting

Case 1:

The issue is common on sites. Device State is Suspend sate
  1. Check all Shinemaster webpages

Datalogger Information

  • Connection status: Online
  • SN: Shinemaster S/N, please confirm it on the nameplate of SEM.
  • Server IP: our global server:
  • Server port: 5279
  • Datalogger locatin IP: it should be Shinemaster ip.
  • Time: 5 Shinemaster will upload data once 5 minutes
  • Datalooger MAC: MAC address
  • Hardware version
  • Firmware version
  • Datalogger type: ShineMaster
  • Device number: 0
  • Offline data number: 0
  • Export limitation enable state: When commissioning the communication, please disable it in case it will affect the communication
  • Export Limit power(kW): 0

ExportLimit &Datalogger setting

  • Network Mode: LAN
  • Export Limit Function: OFF . When commissioning the communication, please disable it.
  • Meter Channel: RS485_2
  • Meter Address: 1
  • Export limit power(kw): 0
  • Fallback activated: OFF
  • Active power: 0
  • Fallback activats after : when disable fallback activated, it can’t be modified. 机器失去防逆流时,输出的功率
  • Reboot: NO
  • Add or Delete devices:

Once you have added the device address into Shinemaster, you can use USB-485 tool to receive data via com tool.

Network setting

  • Network mode: LAN
  • DHCP: if you want to connect internet cable into Lan port on Shinemaster directly, Off needs to be set and set static ip on Shinemaster. If not, On should be enabled so that router can detect Shinemaster.
  • Local IP: set static IP,
  • Netgate: 192.168.*.1
  • Netmask:
  • DNS: leave blank
  • Resolve domain: On means to use Sever domain, Off mean to use Server IP
  • Server domian:
  • Server:
  • Server port: 5279
  • Data transfer interval : 5 minutes

System Management

Sometimes, if datalogger SN is lost ( blank or XXXXXXX ) on Shinemaster page, you can set here.


Please confirm Shinemaster software version:

if it is lower than or equal, you can access Shinemaster page via the account:

username: Annie

Password: Annie

If version is greater than, you can access Shinemaster page via the account:

username: admin000

password: admin000

Then access the page and modify the S/N.

How to find the communication issue

Before commissioning, make sure your USB-485 device is good , you had better test it in advance. Or it will affect the outcome

  1. Plug USB-485 tool into Shinemaster 485 1 channel ( A1 B1 ) Please note your USB-485 device label TR+ to 485A, TR- to 485B
  2. Open Com tool

Step1 : Find com port on device manager, please follow the guide below


Baud rate :9600, Parity bit: NONE, Databits: 8 Stopbits: 1 Flowctrol: None

Step3: Select Hex

Step4: Click Open

In normal Situation, you should receive the data like below:

It is modbus protocol type, there are 8 groups HEX data , 8 bits each group;The first 8 bits means inverter or meter address like 02

When you can receive the data , definitely Shinemaster is normal.

3. then take USB-485 tool out from Shinemaster and connect it into 485 wire of inverter side ( Remember to disconnect 485 wire from inverter in case it will affect the outcome.

4. Please repeat step1 to step4 based on above. If you still can receive the data like that , it means 485 wire is ok.

5. Then you can copy the 8 group data into bottom line on com tool and connect USB-485 tool into inverter 485 port directly

If inverter has the reply like this,

[2021-10-01 14:49:18.244]# RECV HEX>
02 03 00 2B 00 01 F4 31 Send

02 04 00 34 00 14 B1 F8 Rely

It means inverter can respond to the data sent. and inverter is normal.

So you can confirm the malfunction point based on the method, sometimes, it may be caused by 485 wire, or Shinemaster or inverter itself.


Modbus communication protocol type principle, like the chat between 2 person , when one person is talking, the other person is listening, For modbus type, The data length is fixed, 8 group HEX data, 8 bits each group. The previous 8 bits data represent address, like 02 that is 02 address.

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