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Oscilloscope Introduction

Oscilloscope Introduction BW(Bandwidth) on oscilloscope 示波器所需带宽=被测信号的最高频率成分*5 带宽: 示波器模拟前端的模拟带宽,它的大小直接决定了对信号测量能力的高低,示波器测得正弦波的幅度,不低于真实正弦波信号 3dB幅度时的最高频率,也称-3dB 截止频率点,随着信号频率增加,示波器对信号的准确显示能力都会下降。

How To Upload Data Into SCADA System On Power Station Via Shinemaster-x

how to upload data into SCADA system on power station via Shinemaster-x Connection topology Introduction 1.ShineMaster X serves as the server/slave, and third-party network administrators serve as the client/host. 1、ShineMaster-X作为服务端/从机,第三方网管作为客户端/主机。 2.The third-party network management and ShineMaster X can be connected via RS485 or Ethernet cable, and different communication protocols are used for different connection methods. …

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