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Oscilloscope Introduction

Oscilloscope Introduction BW(Bandwidth) on oscilloscope 示波器所需带宽=被测信号的最高频率成分*5 带宽: 示波器模拟前端的模拟带宽,它的大小直接决定了对信号测量能力的高低,示波器测得正弦波的幅度,不低于真实正弦波信号 3dB幅度时的最高频率,也称-3dB 截止频率点,随着信号频率增加,示波器对信号的准确显示能力都会下降。

Rules For Public Use Of Private Cars For Middle East And African Staffs

In order to regulate the management of private cars for public use across the Group, we would like to reiterate the requirement that if you need to use a private car for public use, you must submit a “car use application form” for approval before you use your private car. If you use your private …

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