
Malfunction Description Requirement For Xiaoshouyi Application

Malfunction description Requirement for Xiaoshouyi application

To better improve product quality, for each faulty off grid inverter, detail info. should be provided so that research dep. can analyze the cause further based on the info.

1. Describe malfunction info. on detail, don’t just claim board replacement, including PV system, Battery system, load side, what test you have done based on the malfunciton., Testing Result

1) How many PV strings in parallel?

2) how many solar panels in series?

3) What’s PV input voltage?

Battery system:

1) Battery type

2) Battery brand

Load Side:

1) Load type and power

what test you have done based on the malfunciton

For example, SPF 5000ES has 09fault, as we know , most of time, it is related with MPPT board or Mainboard, you should do the test to confirm if MPPT board is normal.

Testing Result

After these tests, what do you conclude? Which board should be replaced.

2. Faulty inverter S/N is necessary, or application can’t be approved.
3. Malfunction Inverter with inverter S/N Video should be provided.

In the video, you need to show fault or warning, and what test you have done, and conlude that which board should be replaced. Here attached good example

4. If you needs the assistance about off grid inverters, you should request help from your supervisor or colleagues firstly, don’t talk to research dep. directly.

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