
MIC Series Troubleshooting

MIC Series Troubleshooting

Error 200

LCD Display: AFCI Fault

Fault Description: DC arcing error

Trigger Condition

Perform Fourier decomposition on the energy on the PV side. If the energy in the corresponding frequency band exceeds the detection threshold, an error will be reported. If you do not detect, you can change model B08 to B00, and keep the other bits unchanged

AFCI Related Registers
① AFCI threshold setting registers: 544, 545, 546
② AFCI enable: 541
③ AFCI self-test: 542
④ AFCI reset: 543
⑤ Exceeding the maximum number of AFCI error groups: 547

Error 201

LCD Display: Residual I High

Fault Description: GFCI value is too high

Triggering Condition:
  1. The effective value of the machine’s GFCI current is greater than the protection value (theoretical requirement: apparent power * 0.01mA, minimum 300mA) and an error is reported for 200ms.
  2. The GFCI current jumps to 150mA and an error occurs in 20ms.
  3. The GFCI current jumps to 60mA, and an error occurs in 60ms.
  4. The GFCI current jumps up to 30mA and an error occurs in 200ms.
Related Register Addresses
  1. The overall function of GFCI, the model enable bit is the third bit of P bit, that is, use the computer to convert it into binary, and then set or clear the corresponding third bit to turn on or off GFCI (P04)
  2. GFCI jump detection function, the model enable bit is the fourth Bit of P bit, that is, use a computer to convert it into binary, and then set or clear the corresponding fourth bit to turn on or off GFCI (P08)
  • 1、GFCI整体功能,model使能位为P位第三个Bit,即使用电脑转化为二进制,然后将对应的第三个bit置位或者清零即可开启或关闭GFCI(P04)
  • 2、GFCI跳变检测功能,model使能位为P位第四个Bit,即使用电脑转化为二进制,然后将对应的第四个bit置位或者清零即可开启或关闭GFCI(P08)
Error 202

LCD Dispaly: PV Voltage High

Fault Discription: PV Input Voltage is too high

Triggering Condition

  1. The PV voltage is greater than 1070V and continues to report an error for 200ms
  2. The PV voltage is less than 1000V for 2s to clear the error
Error 203

LCD Dispaly: PV Isolation Low

Fault Description: ISO value is too low

Triggering Condition
  1. If the ISO detection resistance is less than 50KΩ, an error will be reported
  2. After the error is reported, detect that the ISO resistance is greater than 70KΩ and clear the fault
  3. After three consecutive detections, it is still less than 50kΩ, and the fault is locked for five minutes before continuing to detect so repeatedly.
Related Register Address

ISO function, the model enable bit is the first Bit of P bit, that is, use the computer to convert it into binary, and then set or clear the corresponding first bit to turn on or off GFCI (P01)


Error 204

LCD Dispaly: PV Reversed

Fault Description: PV Reversed 

Triggering Condition
  1. If the PV voltage is less than 15V and the PV current is less than -2A, an error will be reported after 1s.
  2. Clear the error immediately if the above conditions are not met.


Error 300

LCD Dispaly: AC V Outrange

Fault Description: Grid Voltage is abnormal

Triggering Condition
  1. Check the safety table to confirm the first, second and third level overvoltage and undervoltage protection values and protection time respectively. If the grid voltage meets the error condition and time, the fault will be triggered. The recovery value is the error line voltage value indented by 8.7V, and the recovery time is 2s.
  2. The 10-minute average value of the grid voltage is greater than the query value on the safety meter, triggering the fault. The recovery value is the error line voltage value reduced by 8.7V.



You can follow the guide below

Register 52
Grid voltage low limit protect

Register address value: like 3000, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 53
Grid voltage high limit protect

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 56
Vac low 2: Grid voltage low limit protect 2

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 57
Vac high 2: Grid voltage high limit protect 2

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 60
Vac low 3: Grid voltage low limit protect 3

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 61
Vac high 3: Grid voltage high limit protect 3

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 64
Grid low voltage limit connect to Grid

Register address value: like 3000, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 65
Grid high voltage limit connect to Grid

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Register 80
Volt protection for 10min

Register address value: like 4800, inverter will caculate it based on register address value*0.1V

Error 301

LCD Dispaly: AC reversed

Fault Description: AC terminals reversed

Triggering Condition
Error 302

LCD Dispaly: No AC Connection

Fault Description: No AC Connection

Triggering Condition

An error occurs if the three-phase line voltage is less than 100V at the same time. The error will be cleared 2s after the conditions are not met.

Error 303

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