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SPH8000TL3 BH-UP, export limit settings missing, country settings missing

Home Forums Solar Power SPH8000TL3 BH-UP, export limit settings missing, country settings missing

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  • #10647
    [email protected]

    Please advice me.

    I have the SPH 8000TL3 BH installed with ARK 2.5H batteries, the SPH is in load first mode and I am using the export limitation function to limit the exported energy.

    In the menu of the inverter, according to the manual, there should be option in Export Limit sumbmenu LoadFirstControl – here should be set if SinglePhase or ThreePhase limiting is enabled. But I am missing the LoadFirstControl wokmode in Export Limit menu.

    The other thing I am missing in menu of my SPH is option for CzechRepublic in Country settings submenu.

    Does anyone know how to fix my problem?



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